

All things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account….Hebrews 4:13

As I walk as a sojourner on Earth, I must never Forget that I will one day stand before the Judge of all flesh to give an account of myself to Him. I will one day stand before whom all things are naked and open to his eyes. I must therefore act like a Man who will give account.

I must each day act like a man who will give an account for each hour of the day. To me 24 hours is given each day. How have I used it? Have I spent it on myself or for He who died and rose again for Me? Have I spent it in search for what to eat and drink and left my Saviour’s work not attended to? Has television and social media taken much of it and not even an hour spent to study the Bible? Did I gist my hours away looking for the latest gist while those whom I should have preached to set their hearts toward Hell?

I must each day act like a Man who will give account for the money that comes into my hand each day. Have I spent it all on myself and have not taken to mind the need of the poor? Have I spent it on the latest clothes while the church of the Lord is in debt? Am I saving it Up for the future because of my unbelief in God to supply my daily needs? Am I accumulating things I don’t need when my giving should have been an answer to other people prayers?

I must each day act like a Man who will give account for the good Health and strength He has given me. Have I used the good Health in committing More Sins while the church lacks people to wash her Toilets? Am I using it to serve the World while the Lord’s Harvest needs labourers for it’s field? Am I using my strength to serve a Man while my Saviour’s work is left undone? Am I using my strength to pursue more money while I am too tired to attend Bible studies?

I must each day act like a Man who will give account for all the intelligence given to Him. Have I used my brilliance to serve, “Tables” and neglect the Word of God and Prayers? Have I used my intelligence to increase profit for a Company while the Kingdom of God suffer loss? Have I strategize how to reach customers for my products but have no concern for the souls unsaved? Have I written wonderful proposals and business plans but a simple statement that, “Jesus Loves You”, was never written down? Have I spent years reading books that will make me great in the World but never had the time to read things that will make me great towards God?

I must each day act like a Man who will give account for every Words that proceeds from my mouth. Are they words of Grace or words of Discouragement? Are they Words that Edify or Words that flatters? Are they words that draws people to the Savior or push people to Hell? Are they words that gossip and speak evil of his neighbors and friends or Words that sees the best even in the failures of others?

I must each day act like a Man who will give account for the Wife that the Lord has given unto Me. Have I loved my wife as Christ loves the Church or am I always finding fault with her like the Devil? Have I given myself completely to her or I waste hours chatting with a strange woman? Am I washing her blemishes with the washing of the Word of God or I am tearing her apart with abusive Word? Do I Cherish and nourish her or see her as a burden? Am I faithful to my wedding vows or I have broken the Covenant by exposing my nakedness to another Woman?

I must act each day like a Man who will give account for the Children the Lord has given Unto me. Am I raising them to be useful for the World or to be great for the Kingdom of God? Am I raising them to be “battle Axe” for the Lord in this generation or as business tycoons? Have I sat down to teach them the Word of God or exposed them to Movies at their tender age? Am I dressing them to be simple in the future or complicated with the fading fashions of the World?

O I must Repent and rise and Act like a Man who will give account! For the day is coming when I will stand alone before the Judge of all flesh give an account of ALL he has given to me. I will not be able to lie for all things are naked and open before Him. Will there be grief in my Saviour’s eyes or will there be Joy? Will I be bold to approach Him or will I shrink away before Him in Shame? Will He declare me faithful to His Father before his Angels or ask Me to depart from Him as workers of iniquities?

This is my Cry tonight O Lord that you give Me Grace to act like a Man who will give Account. Help me always to remember that I will give account for everything that you have given unto Me. Help me to walk and Work knowing that I will give account one day. May my account be a Profit to the Lord in Jesus name(Amen)

One thought on “#Act_like_Men_who_will_give_Account!!!

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  1. Amen, this is so true and not the kind of message you hear in ordinary “Christiandom” because it doesn’t tickle our ears.. We truly will all be held in account for what the Lord has given us.. and that reminds me of Jesus’s parable of the 5 talents., how each had to give account for what they did with what was given them. .. Amen, All we Christians need to be reminded of this!


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