Day 018 – ​Turning Stones into Bread!!!

​ Turning Stones into Bread!!! And when He had fasted 40 days and Nights, He was Hungry. Now when the Tempter came to Him, He said "If You are the Son of God, Command that these Stones become Bread". But He answered and said "It is Written, 'Man Shall not live by Bread alone, but... Continue Reading →

Day 017 – The necessity of Temptations!!!

The necessity of Temptations!!! Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the Wilderness to be Tempted by the Devil..... Matthew 4:1 The Only way we can prove that we Love God is my overcoming Temptations that seeks to break our fellowship with the Lord. Temptation should be seen as an opportunity to prove... Continue Reading →

Day 011 – Fulfilling the Scriptures!!!

Fulfilling the Scriptures!!! When Herod saw that He was deceived,... He sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem.... Then was Fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the Prophet.... When Herod was dead, Behold an Angel appeared to Joseph saying" Arise... Go to the Land of Israel... ".. He... Continue Reading →

Day 010 – The Escape to Egypt!!!

​ The Escape to Egypt!!! Behold an Angel appeared to Joseph saying " Arise, take the Young Child and His Mother, Flee to Egypt and stay there, Until I bring word, For Herod will seek the Young Child to destroy Him. When He arose, He took the Young Child by Night and departed for Egypt....... Continue Reading →

Day 009 – ​The Wise Men and their Gifts.

​ The Wise Men and their Gifts. And when they had come into the house, they saw the Young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him... they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense and Myrrh. Then being warned divinely in a dream, they departed to their own country..... Matthew 2:11-12 Finally,... Continue Reading →

Day 008 – The Wise Men and the Star!!

The Wise Men and the Star!! They departed and behold the Star which they had seen in the East went before them..... When they saw the Star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great Joy..... Matthew 2:10 The Star has been the one leading the Wise Men on their Journey from the East. And Stars only becomes... Continue Reading →

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